Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Off to the land down under!

In 5 days Zach will be making his maiden voyage on an aircraft to go visit his Deepika Chithi in Sydney! We are all super excited and have sooo much to do before we leave.
Haven't even begun packing and Olly and I have so much work as well.
I have no idea what its going to be like traveling overseas with a toddler, but I can only imagine its not easy!! We're going for a month. We'll be spending 2 weeks in Melbourne and 2 weeks in Sydney. On our way back we plan to stop at Singapore for 3 days.

Every morning this when Zach is getting ready for school he says to me I dont want to go to school, I want to go to Australia! :)

Hope to come back and put up a nice long post of our travels.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Zach's progress at School

So much for my high hopes of at least a post a week. Its been 3 months since my last post!
So Zachy didn't exactly take to school like a fish to water. The first few weeks were tears and drama filled mornings. But his teacher reassured us that once he got into class he was fine and was of no trouble. Had a parent teacher meeting and she said that he was absolutely no trouble at school and was very good!! Lucky her! She said that he understands very well everything he says.
Its slightly better now as in the fretting doesn't start at home, hes fine all the way until he has to let go of me at the gate and then starts the waterworks! I don't want to go Mama... You also come Mama...boohooo.. And they just pluck him away!
They send home his worksheets and art and crafts of the week every Friday. He always remembers what each activity was about and explains each to me very accurately. That is dabbing, that is paper crumpling, that is number 3 he'll say. Well one of these days Im hoping he will turn around and say bye happily when I drop him off!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Zach's first Day at Pre-school

Zach turned 2 yrs and 6 months yesterday, and today was he was packed off to pre-school. His first step into the big world outside. I was so nervous since yesterday almost as if it was my first day at School! Had a butterfly in the stomach feeling.

But it went fairly well I think. Managed to wake him with good mood intact, bathe him, dress him feed him and set off on time!
Both sets of grandparents were there to join in the excitement and anticipation. So off we went, Zach with his Mamma, Dada, Amamma, Thatha and Nana. He knows the name of his playshool 'EuroKids'. When we got there we were one of the first. Took a few pictures outside and before he knew it he was whisked off by one of the helpers without a cry.

Olly waited outside(one parent had to) till they called him in after about half an hour cos he saw all the kids crying and decided he had to join in too! He kept crying for me apparently. Anyway he calmed down and Olly remained in the class till it was time to leave.
Not too bad I think.! :) My little baby in school. I cant believe how fast hes grown.