Sunday 18th of March was Zach's annual day and graduation from pre-School. Yes pre-schoolers have a graduation these days. And quite justified considering what a feat it is. :)
Zach was part of 2 dance performances and did better than we expected!! Since his teacher had been complaining that he had been refusing to take part in the practices.
But he actually kind of did most of the steps. Was quite adorable watching the 2 and 3 year olds shaking a leg and making their stage debut in their snazzy little outfits!
At the end of the show they all had to put on little graduation robes and hats and receive their certificates and mementos.
Is it crazy to feel this proud of your child for completing his first year of pre-school?! :)
School closes on April 10th. But summer camp starts on the 11th and goes on for a month. So his holidays dont start until then.
Still waiting to hear the results of his school admission. :-\